(573) 201-7695 or (417) 827-6204
A Little About Our Babies and What We Offer
All of our puppies are hypoallergenic. Our litters are always either ACA registered or CKC registered. Our new babies leave here up-to-date on all vaccines and de-wormers. Dewclaws are always removed and on our Miniature Schnauzers and Schnoodles tails will be docked. We send all our puppies to their FOREVER HOME  with a current vaccination record, vet check, money back health guarantee and a very nice gift bag which contains a pet carrier, soft bed, container of food, chew bone, toy, baby blanket, brush, food dish and vitamin. We are located in central Missouri and if that is too far a distance for you to drive to pick up, we can fly your sweet new baby to you. We use a local carrier who drives and stays with the puppy until take-off. Their fee (which you pay directly to them, is $440). We also have just starting using a ground carrier. Their fee is $500; it takes a few days longer, but most of the time, they deliver the puppy to your door.  It is good to know, at least you have a choice and both of these local business I have done business with and have no issues as of yet. They genuinely care and adore the puppies.  If you are interested and/or have any questions, please call or text us at (417)827-6204(Sheryl) or (573)201-7695 (Dennis). We would be happy to visit with you and answer any questions you may have. We can send pictures, videos and even Facetime with you so that you may pick out your newest family member!

Keep Your Dog Safe From Thieves
Dognapping isn't something any owner wants to think about, but it's important to be aware and prepared. Thousands of dogs fall victim to dog theft and dognapping each year, which has increased 70% since 2010. Statistics put the number of dogs stolen each year at around 2 million. Additionally, of the 2 million domestic animals stolen each year, only about 10% get returned to their owner. In just a matter of seconds, you can become the victim of a criminal who sees your dog as a quick and easy way to make a buck. Smaller dogs are easier to grab and run with so they are at a higher risk of being stolen. There are ways to stay a step ahead of would-be thieves.
get your dog microchipped and keep the contact information on file up-to-date
be friendly at the dog park, but not too friendly; don't tell where you live and the places you frequent with your pup or even how much you paid for your pup.
If your dog is stolen, immediately report the theft to the police, call your microchip company and any lost-dog or stolen-dog database that you know of in your area. You should also distribute fliers and get the word out on social media. ​
Stay alert! Stay safe!